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Terrariums: Unveiling the Art of Creative Decoration

Terrariums have gained popularity as unique and low-maintenance decor items that bring a touch of nature into any space. These miniature ecosystems are not only aesthetically pleasingbut also serve as living art pieces.

Whether you have a green thumb or not, terrariums offer endless possibilities for creating stunning and personalized displays. In this blog post, we'll explore the art of using terrariums for decorating and provide you with a series of practical bullet points to help you get started.

  1. Choose the Right Terrarium
  2. Select the Ideal Plants
  3. Create Layers for Visual Interest
  4. Arrange & Decorate
  5. Maintain & Care for your Terrariums
  6. Consider the Season and Theme
  7. Grouping & Placement


  • Consider the size, shape, and material of the terrarium: Common options include glass containers, fish tanks, or even repurposed jars.

  • Pick a terrarium that complements your existing decor:Should also fit within the available space. Small terrariums are perfect for desks and countertops, while larger ones make a statement as a focal point in a room.

pic of terrarium plants with rocks and foliageChoosing the right terrarium is a crucial step in creating a captivating and harmonious decorative display. The terrarium you select should not only enhance the beauty of your space but also provide a suitable environment for the plants within. When deciding on a terrarium, consider its size, shape, and material.

Size plays a vital role in determining the impact of your terrarium. For smaller spaces like desks or countertops, opt for compact terrariums that won't overwhelm the area. These can be charming additions to workspaces or cozy nooks. On the other hand, if you have ample space to spare or want to make a statement, larger terrariums can serve as eye-catching focal points in living rooms, hallways, or even outdoor spaces.

The shape of the terrarium also contributes to its overall aesthetic appeal. Classic options include geometric shapes like cubes, orbs, or pyramids, which add a modern touch to any decor. Alternatively, you can explore more unconventional shapes like teardrops or hanging terrariums to introduce a unique element to your design scheme.

The material of the terrarium affects both its visual appeal and functionality. Glass terrariums are popular choices due to their transparency, allowing for a clear view of the plants and decorative elements. They also create a sleek and elegant look. Fish tanks can be repurposed as terrariums, offering a larger space for creativity. Additionally, repurposed jars or containers can add a touch of vintage charm to your decor.

By carefully considering the size, shape, and material of your terrarium, you can find the perfect fit for your decorating needs. Remember, the right terrarium not only complements your existing decor but also provides an ideal environment for your chosen plants, ensuring they thrive and flourish within their miniature ecosystem.


  • Opt for plants that thrive in a closed environment with high humidity and low light conditions: Succulents, air plants (tillandsias), ferns, mosses, and fittonias are excellent choices.
  • Choosing plants: Ensure that the plants you choose have similar care requirements and will coexist harmoniously within the terrarium.

Selecting the ideal plants for your terrarium is crucial to create a thriving and visually pleasing ecosystem. When choosing plants, it's essential to consider their compatibility with a closed environment, as well as their care requirements and ability to coexist harmoniously within the terrarium.

several terrariums in glass enclosures with succulents

One popular choice for terrariums is succulents. These plants are known for their ability to store water in their leaves, making them well-suited for the humid and low-light conditions often found in terrariums. With a vast variety of shapes, colors, and textures available, succulents can add visual interest and drama to your terrarium. Opt for smaller succulent varieties that will fit comfortably within the limited space.

Air plants, or tillandsias, are another fantastic option for terrariums. These unique plants don't require soil to grow, deriving nutrients and moisture from the air around them. They can be attached to rocks, pieces of driftwood, or suspended within the terrarium. Air plants come in various shapes and sizes, and their interesting forms can serve as captivating focal points.

Ferns are well-suited for terrarium environments due to their preference for high humidity and low light. Their delicate fronds and lush green foliage add a touch of elegance and create a beautiful, natural atmosphere. Choose smaller fern varieties that won't outgrow the limited space provided by the terrarium.

Mosses are excellent choicesfor adding texture and a vibrant green carpet-like appearance to your terrarium. They thrive in humid conditions and can tolerate low light levels. Mosses also help retain moisture within the terrarium, contributing to a healthy environment for other plants.

Fittonias, or nerve plants, are known for their attractive and intricate leaf patterns. They prefer humid conditions and indirect light, making them suitable for terrariums. Fittonias are available in a range of colors, including green, pink, and red, allowing you to add a pop of vibrant hues to your terrarium design.

When selecting plants, ensure they have similar care requirements to ensure a balanced and cohesive terrarium ecosystem. By combining these compatible plant choices, you can create a visually stunning and harmonious arrangement within your terrarium, bringing nature's beauty into your space.


  • Begin with a layer of gravel or small stones at the bottom to provide drainage and prevent water logging.
  • Add a layer of activated charcoal to filter the air and prevent any unpleasant odors.
  • Follow up with a layer of horticultural-grade soil, specifically formulated for terrariums, which provides essential nutrients for plant growth.

Creating layers within your terrarium not only serves a functional purpose but also adds visual interest and depth to your overall design. By incorporating different materials, textures, and colors, you can create a captivating miniature landscape that draws the eye and enhances the beauty of your terrarium.

The first layer to consider is a base of gravel or small stonesat the bottom of your terrarium. This layer serves as a drainage system, allowing excess water to flow away from the plant roots. It helps prevent water logging, which can lead to root rot and other moisture-related issues. Additionally, the gravel layer adds visual appeal by introducing contrasting textures and colors. You can experiment with different types of stones or pebbles, ranging from natural earth tones to vibrant hues, to match your desired aesthetic.

On top of the gravel layer, add a layer of activated charcoal. This material serves as a natural filter, helping to keep the air within the terrarium fresh and free from any unpleasant odors. It absorbs impurities and toxins, providing a healthier environment for your plants. The charcoal layer also adds a subtle dark tone, creating a visually striking contrast against the lighter gravel layer below.

The next layer to include is horticultural-grade soil specifically formulated for terrariums. This layer provides essential nutrients for plant growth and acts as a medium for the roots to anchor and absorb water. Consider using a well-draining soil mix designed for terrariums, which typically consists of a combination of peat moss, perlite, and other organic materials. The soil layer can be adjusted in thickness depending on the size of your terrarium and the root depth of your chosen plants.

As you assemble your layers, consider using different textures and colors to create visual variation. You can select different sizes and shapes of stones or mix in decorative elements like colored sand, seashells, or tiny figurines. These additions add a personal touch to your terrarium and contribute to the overall aesthetic appeal.

By carefully layering your terrarium with gravel, activated charcoal, and suitable soil, you not only create a functional environment for your plants but also introduce fascinating visual elements. The interplay of textures, colors, and materials within the layers adds depth and complexity to your terrarium, transforming it into a captivating piece of living art.


Arranging and decorating your terrarium is where your creativity truly shines, allowing you to transform it into a unique and visually captivating display. Consider the following tips to create an arrangement that showcases the beauty of your plants and adds a personal touch to your terrarium:

  1. Plan your composition: Before planting, envision how you want your terrarium to look. Consider the height, growth patterns, and colors of your chosen plants. Place taller plants towards the back or center and shorter ones towards the front or edges. Experiment with different combinations to find the most aesthetically pleasing arrangement.

  2. Play with textures: Mix plants with different leaf shapes and textures to add visual interest. Combine plants with smooth, glossy leaves with those that have a more textured or fuzzy appearance. This contrast in textures creates a visually dynamic composition within the limited space of the terrarium.

  3. Consider color schemes: Create a cohesive color scheme by selecting plants that complement each other. Choose plants with leaves in various shades of green, or introduce pops of color with plants that have vibrant or variegated foliage. Harmonize the colors with any decorative elements you plan to add, such as figurines or rocks.

  4. Integrate decorative elements: Enhance the visual appeal of your terrarium by adding decorative elements that complement the theme or aesthetic you're aiming for. Place small figurines, miniature furniture, or tiny animal replicas strategically within the terrarium to create a whimsical scene. Incorporate natural elements like small rocks, pebbles, driftwood, or seashells to add texture and depth.

  5. Create focal points: Draw attention to specific areas within your terrarium by placing eye-catching elements strategically. Position a particularly striking plant or a decorative centerpiece, such as a unique rock or sculpture, as a focal point. This adds visual hierarchy and gives your terrarium a focal point that immediately catches the viewer's eye.

  6. Use negative space: Allow for some breathing room within your terrarium by leaving empty spaces or gaps between plants and decorations. Negative space provides balance and helps prevent the arrangement from looking overcrowded. It also allows each element to shine individually and promotes a sense of tranquility.

Remember, arranging and decorating your terrarium is a process of experimentation and personal expression. Be open to trying different combinations, adjusting the placement of elements, and refining your design until you achieve the desired aesthetic. Let your creativity guide you as you curate a visually stunning terrarium that reflects your unique style and vision.


Maintaining and caring for your terrarium is essential to ensure the longevity and health of the plants within. Although terrariums are generally low-maintenance, they still require attention and occasional upkeep. Follow these guidelines to keep your terrarium thriving:

  1. Light and Placement: Place your terrarium in an area with indirect sunlight. While some plants require more light than others, direct sunlight can cause excessive heat and damage the plants. Observe your terrarium's location and adjust its position accordingly if you notice signs of sunburn or wilting.

  2. Watering: Terrariums create a self-contained ecosystem that recycles moisture, reducing the need for frequent watering. Monitor the moisture levels by lightly misting the plants every two to three weeks. Avoid overwatering, as excess moisture can lead to fungal growth or root rot. If you notice condensation building up on the glass, leave the terrarium open for a few hours to allow excess moisture to evaporate.

  3. Pruning and Maintenance: Regularly inspect your terrarium for any dead or yellowing leaves, as well as overcrowding of plants. Remove any decaying foliage promptly to maintain the overall health and aesthetics of the terrarium. If a particular plant outgrows the terrarium, consider trimming it back or relocating it to a larger container.

  4. Cleaning: Over time, dust may accumulate on the glass walls, affecting the clarity and visual appeal of your terrarium. Clean the glass gently using a soft cloth or a duster to remove any dust or smudges. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that could damage the glass or harm the plants.

  5. Nutrient Boost: Terrarium plants usually obtain necessary nutrients from the soil and the decomposing organic matter within. However, over time, the soil's nutrients may deplete. Consider adding a slow-release, balanced fertilizer formulated for terrarium use to provide a nutrient boost once or twice a year. Follow the product instructions and be cautious not to over-fertilize, which can harm the plants.

  6. Temperature and Ventilation: Terrariums thrive in stable temperature conditions. Avoid placing them near drafts or extreme temperature fluctuations. Additionally, terrariums benefit from occasional ventilation. If you notice excessive condensation or a musty smell, leave the terrarium open for a few hours to allow fresh air circulation and evaporation of excess moisture.

By following these maintenance practices, you can ensure the longevity and vitality of your terrarium. Regular care and attention will help create a healthy and visually stunning ecosystem that brings the beauty of nature into your living space.


Considering the season and theme when decorating your terrarium adds a delightful touch of creativity and allows you to tailor your display to specific occasions or personal preferences. Here's how you can embrace the seasonality and explore different themes within your terrarium:bowl with colorful succulents of different types

  1. Seasonal Adaptations: Adjusting your terrarium's decor based on the changing seasons brings a refreshing and timely element to your display. For example:

    • Spring: Introduce delicate flowers like miniature daisies or tiny tulips to symbolize the season of renewal and growth.
    • Summer: Add vibrant pops of color with bright blooms like miniature sunflowers or dainty marigolds, reminiscent of sunny days and abundant gardens.
    • Fall: Incorporate elements like small pumpkins, colorful fall leaves, or tiny pinecones to evoke the cozy and harvest-inspired ambiance of autumn.
    • Winter: Create a winter wonderland by adding touches of white, such as frosty-looking plants or small decorative snowflakes, to capture the magic of the season.
  2. Thematic Explorations: Terrariums provide an excellent opportunity to express your personal style and interests through themed decorations. Here are a few ideas to inspire your creativity:

    • Beach Paradise: Transform your terrarium into a coastal oasis by incorporating seashells, sand, and miniature beach accessories like surfboards or beach chairs.
    • Enchanted Forest: Embrace a whimsical theme by including miniature figurines of fairies, tiny mushrooms, and moss-covered rocks to create a mystical woodland scene.
    • Desert Dreams: Craft a desert-inspired terrarium by using succulents and cacti, along with desert-themed accessories like small desert animal figurines or tiny sand dunes.
    • Zen Garden: Create a serene and minimalist display using smooth rocks, miniature rakes, and carefully placed sand or gravel to evoke the tranquility of a Japanese rock garden.

Remember to choose plants and decorations that align with the theme or season you're exploring. By incorporating seasonal elements or thematic accents, you can infuse your terrarium with a touch of novelty and keep your decor dynamic throughout the year.

Feel free to experiment with different themes or adapt your terrarium's decorations to suit special occasions or your personal taste. The flexibility of terrariums allows you to change and refresh the display as desired, ensuring that your terrarium remains a unique and captivating focal point in your living or workspace.


Grouping and strategic placement of terrariums can create an impactful and visually stunning display. By combining terrariums of different sizes, shapes, and styles, you can elevate the overall aesthetics and add depth to your decor. Here's how you can effectively group and place terrariums:

  1. Grouping for Impact: Cluster terrariums of varying sizes and shapes together to create a visually appealing composition. Place them on a shelf, mantelpiece, or dedicated terrarium display stand. Grouping terrariums allows them to interact with each other, creating an enchanting miniature landscape that captures attention and sparks curiosity.

  2. Height and Layering: Arrange terrariums in a way that creates height variations and visual interest. Position taller terrariums towards the back or center, and place shorter ones in front or on different levels. This layering technique adds depth and dimension to the overall display, preventing it from appearing flat or monotonous.

  3. Creating Visual Balance: Consider the visual weight and symmetry when grouping terrariums. Distribute the sizes, shapes, and colors evenly to achieve a balanced and harmonious arrangement. A visually balanced display ensures that no single terrarium dominates the space and that the arrangement feels cohesive.

  4. Focal Points: Select a standout terrarium or create a focal point within the group by placing a terrarium with unique plants, distinct decorations, or a striking design element. This focal point draws attention and serves as the centerpiece of the grouping. Arrange the other terrariums around it to complement and accentuate its visual impact.

  5. Mix and Match: Experiment with different styles, materials, and plant selections when grouping terrariums. Combine glass terrariums with hanging terrariums or incorporate terrariums made from different materials such as geometric metal frames or terracotta containers. This mixing and matching of terrariums add variety and intrigue to the display.

  6. Placement Considerations: Place terrariums in areas where they can be easily seen and appreciated. Consider positioning them on windowsills, shelves, coffee tables, or even hanging them from the ceiling. Choose locations that allow natural light to showcase the plants while ensuring they're not exposed to direct sunlight, which can cause excessive heat.

  7. Room Integration: Integrate terrariums with the overall decor of the room. Consider the color palette and style of the space when selecting terrariums and their placement. The terrarium grouping should complement and enhance the existing aesthetics, whether it's a minimalist, bohemian, or contemporary decor theme.

By thoughtfully grouping and strategically placing terrariums, you can transform them into captivating focal points and design elements within your space. Experiment with different arrangements and settings to find the configuration that best showcases the beauty of your terrariums and elevates the overall ambiance of your room.

In conclusion, terrariums offer a world of possibilities when it comes to decorating your living or working space. With their natural beauty and low-maintenance nature, these miniature ecosystems bring a breath of fresh air to any interior. By following the tips outlined above, you can create stunning and personalized terrarium displays that will captivate your guests and become a focal point of your decor. So, unleash your creativity and start exploring the enchanting world of terrarium decoration!

Ready to get started? Order a terrarium here


Q: What kind of terrarium should I choose for decorating purposes?

A: When selecting a terrarium for decorating, consider factors such as size, shape, and material. Glass containers, fish tanks, or repurposed jars are popular options. Choose one that complements your existing decor and fits the available space.

Q: Which plants are suitable for terrarium decoration?

A: Opt for plants that thrive in closed environments with high humidity and low light conditions. Good choices include succulents, air plants (tillandsias), ferns, mosses, and fittonias. Ensure that the plants you choose have similar care requirements and will coexist harmoniously within the terrarium.

Q: How can I arrange and decorate my terrarium effectively?

A: Plan your composition before planting, considering the height, texture, and color of the plants to create an appealing arrangement. Add decorative elements such as figurines, pebbles, driftwood, or seashells to enhance the visual appeal. Experiment with different arrangements and elements until you achieve the desired look.

Q: How do I care for a terrarium?

A: Terrariums are generally low-maintenance, but they still require some attention. Place them in an area with indirect light, avoiding direct sunlight that can cause excessive heat. Monitor moisture levels by lightly misting the plants every two to three weeks. If condensation builds up on the glass, leave the terrarium open for a few hours to allow excess moisture to evaporate. Trim and remove any dead leaves or plants to maintain a tidy and healthy terrarium.

Q: Can I change the decor of my terrarium based on the season or theme?

A: Absolutely! You can adjust your terrarium decorations to reflect the changing seasons or your personal style. Consider adding seasonal elements such as small pumpkins and autumn leaves for fall or delicate flowers for spring. You can also experiment with various themes, such as a beach-inspired terrarium with seashells and sand or a mystical forest-themed terrarium with miniature fairy figurines.

Q: How can I display multiple terrariums together?

A: Grouping terrariums of different sizes and shapes creates an impactful display. This adds visual interest and depth to your decor. Consider placing them on windowsills, shelves, coffee tables, or even hanging them from the ceiling. Find strategic placements that consider factors like lighting, visibility, and accessibility.

These FAQs are based on the content discussed in the blog article "Terrariums: Unveiling the Art of Creative Decoration" at
